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Kampor Concentration Camp - Workshop @ the Island of Rab

Writer: dbdb

Our collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, which started with joint participation in the Anatomy of Islands Workshops (2012-17), student exchange programmes and collaboration with Professor Tadej Glažar (who was one of the speakers at the recent Keio Architecture Comprehensive Design Workshop Symposium) continued with an invitation to co+labo to join an extremely complex and delicate project, which deals with one some of the most delicate memories stemming from the 2nd World War.

The Workshop brief states how the Memorial Complex Kampor is a Croatian national protected monument to the victims during the second WW that have been gathered in Italian concentration camp on the island of Rab. Part of the camp was transformed in a memorial complex during 1950's by Slovenian architect Edo Ravnikar. The complex has a great cultural and artistic value recognised at local, national and international levels. Together with the surrounding landscape it forms an uniquely complex architectural work. With the development of tourism in the last decades, memorial complex is visited by many people of different interests. Conceptualisation of the Visitors Centre will be the main focus of this international workshop. The research about the site, analytical investigations at urban, landscape and architectural levels will provide inputs for conceptual design of the Centre and relevant urban regulations.

The workshop has started on Monday, 16 September with a site visit, on-site lecture by the Workshop Leader, Professor Rok Žnidaršič and an impromptu exhibition and lecture by Davisi Boontharm. Three co+labo students, joining their colleagues from Meiji University, Tokyo and universities of Ljubljana and Split. At the end of the workshop, their ideas will be presented to local community and invited architectural, urban and landscape critics.


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