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sketch & script workshop

23-27 September 2024

Initiated and organised by co+re, co-organised by Katarina Čakš and Tadej Urh (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture), Sano Satoshi (co+labo, Keio University)

The international workshop sketch & script: Means of knowing and the production of knowledge took place at the University of Ljubljana with participants from co+labo, Keio University, Japan (prof. Sano Satoshi) and students of the faculty of architecture, University of Ljubljana.

Sketching is simultaneously the process of searching for, and it is our immediate contribution to the meaning of that place, something that we see at the very core of its urban quality. We strongly believe that the complexity of the urban and many qualities of urban environment cannot be understood and studied through the numerical methods alone. This dialectic relationship between the place and self, and between a person and the media involve all senses and generate creative tensions.


Sketch & Script therefore is simultaneously an open-minded means of knowing and a tool for production of knowledge which intertwines visual and textual methods of inquiry in the search of urban quality. It argues for the recognition of visual essay of a thinking hand, seeing it as equally important to textual treatises of a feeling mind.


In this workshop, the participants engaged in the exploration of subjectivity in the investigation of the urban. The emphasis is not on improving skill of (re)presentation but in critically and creatively approach to the observation and communication with open mind.


The theme and site of investigation was the RIVERSIDE … as places of the in-between. We explored the quality of urban space and pleasure of everyday life along the waterscape of Ljubljana and the excursion town. Observing and capturing the quality of space and quality of life, through their selected focus.


The workshop stimulated students with daily briefs which include 'challenges' that encourage students to think - sketch, draw, paint, print etc. together with scribbling/writing in different ways. We test what hand-drawn sketches and short text can do to communicate the thoughts, ideas, ambience, atmosphere, lives, which are essential in the understanding and feeling of “place”. Students worked on individual drawings, but move around and discuss in groups. We also tested the collaborative sketch & script at the final exercise.

In this workshop four different tasks were given;

  1. the collection, A6 format(postcard)

  2. people in place, A4

  3. linear urban narrative, orihon x 16 pages, in situ sketch in Škofja Loka

  4. psychogegraphic map, A1

The students work is now exhibited at the staircase hall of the faculty of architecture, University of Ljubljana until October 21st 2024.

List of students participated the workshop

From the University of Ljubljana: Januš Lupše, Margerita Voullissa Stell Pičman, Sava Nikolič, Tia Marc, Lea Vagaja, David Pšeničnik, Neža Pšeničnik, Kristina Vončina, Jan Nebec, Gala Brajkovska, Tita Šnajder, Nika Meško, Urša Ocvir

From Keio University: Toru Sadano, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Kazuyo Hirano, Yukei Fujiwara, Yuki Iguchi, Lisa Suzuki, Rin Hayashi

Guests: Blaž Budja, Domen Fras, Gašper Habljančič, Lena Vozlič


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